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Tuesday 29 October 2013

11 Natural Immune System Boosters

There is no doubt that the immune system is one of our most important body systems, as it helps to keep our body safe from diseases, infections, and other health risks. For example, when you get cut and you start experiencing swelling and redness around that specific area it is your immune system hard at work trying to protect you by keeping bacteria from entering your open wound, which will lead to an infection.
If you have a weak immune system you'll most likely end up catching numerous diseases and infections a lot easier. Check out 11 different ways you can strengthen your immune system naturally.


Yogurt is a well known food product that many people probably have in their refrigerator right now. It's the lactobacteria inside yogurt that will produce the main immune system molecule known as immunoglobulin A, which keeps our bodies safe from foreign bacteria. The more you consume yogurt the better your immune system will operate and keep your body safe from viral infections and bacteria.

Green Tea

There are certain antioxidants in green tea that can help give your immune system the boost it needs. Some of these antioxidants include catechins, polyphenols, and flavenoids. These antioxidants will help your body's natural defense perform more effectively when it comes to fighting off free radicals that come from a variety of different sources we are exposed to daily.
Your immune system is supposed to help your body with its natural detoxification process. The chlorophyll and fiber in green tea will help your immune system work harder to make your body's digestion function at a high level flushing out waste from the colon and intestines. When your body gets detoxified properly it will lead to your immune system being able to focus more on its main job, which is to fight off invaders trying to harm your body.


The allicin, thiosulfinates, and ajoene garlic contains will help keep your immune system functioning at a high level. These 3 compounds that garlic contains are very strong so it won't take much garlic to give your immune system a boost.


It is the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in flaxseed that helps improve the state of your immune system. Another component found in flaxseed is lignans and it helps improve the immune response in your body so infections, bacteria, and diseases are eliminated right away as soon as they enter your system.

Get Enough Sleep

When you are tired all of the time you are increasing the chances you fall victim to some type of disease, infection, or bacteria. Your body's immune system response will be just as sluggish as you feel when you don't get adequate sleep. To keep your immune system functioning at its best level it is always best to get at least seven hours of sleep daily.


One of the biggest causes for a weak immune system is zinc deficiency. You can increase the amount of zinc in your system by eating crab meat. Crab meat contains a rich amount of zinc that will help strengthen your immune system.

Vitamin C

The more vitamin C you have in your body the stronger your immune system will be and better it will perform. Vitamin C helps your immune system by assisting white blood cells with operating at their peak, and making the response time of your immune system faster. Consume fruits that are high vitamin C such as oranges, guavas, and berries.


The beta-carotene in carrots will increase the development of white blood cell production. These white blood cells are valuable part of your immune system when it comes to fighting off bacteria and diseases more effectively. Eat more of this rich in carotene vegetable daily to get the immune system boost you're looking for.


Kale is a green leafy vegetable that can increase your immune system thanks to the high amount of vitamin A it contains. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that gives your body the ability to prevent cancer cells from developing and will also help white blood cells to develop.

Navy Beans

Navy beans contain a high amount of folic acids that is an important nutrient that can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system if you don't get enough it. Consume navy beans on a regular basis to get the folic acid you require.


Almonds are great immune system boosting food because of its vitamin E properties. People who don't have enough vitamin E will suffer from severe immune system problem.

If you want to find more great health tips check out more of John's writing Click here. He is a professional medical official who is doing some online research on wart removalat home.

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